Australia’s population has risen to a two-year high, thanks to a rise in international migrants.

CANBERRA: According to statistics that was released by the government on Wednesday, the number of people living in Australia has increased to its highest level in the past two years, which was caused by the resumption of international migration.

According to information that was made public by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the total number of people living in the nation as of the end of March 2022 was 25, 912, 614.

Since March 2021, this number reflects a growth of around 239, 800 persons, or 0.9% of the total population. Since September of 2020, this number represents Australia’s highest annual population growth rate over a span of a single year.

In contrast, the population increased by 0.15 percent during the course of a year ending in March 2021, despite the tight border controls imposed by Covid-19.

Out of the 239, 800 persons that were added to the population, net overseas migration (NOM) was responsible for 109, 600 of those additions, which is equivalent to 45.7% of the total.

According to a statement released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Demography Director Beidar Cho said, “After two years of mostly low or no population growth, overseas migration is again a significant contributor to Australia’s population increase, accounting for almost half of the growth in the year to March 2022.”

The number of people arriving in Australia as migrants climbed by 183% from the previous year to 320 000, which drove a remarkable turnaround in the country’s net overseas migration.

Despite this, the number of net migrants entering the country remained lower than the levels that prevailed before the epidemic, which ranged from 238 000 to 260 000.

During the twelve months leading up to March 2022, there were 309,300 births and 179,100 deaths in Australia.

The total number of fatalities reached a level that was 10% higher than in 2020-21.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) on Wednesday released a separate set of statistics from the national census, which indicated that the country’s Indigenous population is now close to one million people.

There were 984 000 indigenous people living in the nation as of June 2021, representing an increase of 23.2% in little over five years.