The ACT 190 Nomination Changes for 2019-2020 Skilled Migration Program.

The ACT 190 Nomination changes for the Skilled Migration Program for 2019-2020 were announced by the Australian Capital Territory. These changes will take effect from November 2019 to 30 June 2020.

Where do I begin?

The one certainty in your decision to migrate to Australia and most importantly, obtaining your Australian Skilled Visa is, “Do I meet the requirements to move to Australia?” Being eligible for a subclass 190 Nominated Visa will depend on your personal and professional circumstances.

Click here to find more information on the Subclass 190 Nominated Visa.

All visas for entry into Australia, whether they are skilled, business or family, are issued by the Australian Government and every visa application is subject to the Department of Home Affair’s policies and procedures. It is from our vast experience that if you have made the decision to immigrate to Australia, that you first contact an Australian Registered Migration Agent to assess and to confirm your eligibility for skilled migration to Australia.

Migrate 2 Oz’s registered migration agents can access your chances for migration to Australia by completing the Skilled Visa Assessment. It is free and will take you no longer than 5 minutes to complete.

Eligible skilled and business people who demonstrate commitment to migrating to Canberra may be eligible to express an interest in the Australian Capital Territory for nomination( if that is the applicant’s preferred location) however it is strongly recommended to seek advice from an Australian Registered Migration Agent.