Dear Reuven, Jessica and Monica,

Yesterday we have received the most exciting news in regards to our Australian permanent migration visa being granted. Firstly, I want to extend a massive Thank You and commendation to you guys and the rest of the Migrate To Oz team who had been involved in our application process.

It has been over two years since the time we had signed the initial agreement with Migrate To Oz to represent us in during the process of obtaining permanent residency in Australia. Prior to engaging with the team at Migrate To Oz, I had a frank conversation with Reuven concerning our chances of obtaining a permanent-resident visa. He was direct and told me straight what needed to be done to get the necessary points to apply. I appreciate your honesty and guidance, Reuven.

Throughout the process, Jessica and Monica’s assistance, attention to detail and dedication have been of outstanding standards. You’ve responded promptly to all of our questions and provided comprehensive feedback, especially during the crucial skills assessment process.

I would recommend anyone who considers migration to Australia to utilise the services of Migrate To Oz. Australian migration is a process that involves getting all the steps right and is filled with intricacies that are easy to miss or neglect (for example, obtaining PASA approval). Reuven, Jessica and Monica and the rest of the team at Migrate To Oz sure know what they are doing.