Should you wait until the regulations change to improve your chances to move to Australia?

A question we get asked often at Migrate 2 Oz is, “Should I wait until the regulations change to improve my chances to move to Australia?”. Migration seekers may feel that by waiting for regulations to change, it will improve their chances to move to Australia or they may even be able to apply for a better visa category.

Regardless of the regulations applicable at any given point in time, it is our practice to re-evaluate all possible visa options prior to lodging a visa application to ensure that the advice given to you from our migration agents is still accurate. One of the many benefits of using a registered Australian migration agent for your application is that should there be any changes to the regulations, these will be taken care of, regardless of whether they have a positive effect or a negative effect on your application.

What does this mean for my chances to successfully move to Australia?

In reality, even if you started your application today and the regulations do change in your favour, you would enjoy the benefit of those changes anyway. Again, based on over 20 years of experience in Australian immigration, our prudent advice to anybody is to secure your position by commencing your application as soon as you can and as the saying goes, “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”.

Use a Registered Australian Migration Agent for successful migration to Australia.

Migrate 2 Oz is a migration agency consisting of registered Australian migration agents who are experienced and specialise in Australian migration. We guide and support eligible applicants throughout the visa process and ensure that your Australian visa is accepted.

 We know the Australian visa system inside out – and we are perfectly positioned to advise you on the best visa options to fit your individual needs, whether you are a skilled professional, parent, partner or business professional.

Complete our free online skilled visa assessment and one of our registered Australian migration agents will access your chances!