Australian Skilled Visa Newsletter from September 2019

The Australian Department of Home Affairs has released their latest skilled visa newsletter for September 2019 and it features encouraging news for applicants to Migrate to Regional Australia.

New Skilled Regional Visas

  • The new Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 491) will replace the Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 489).
  • The new Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 494) will replace the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Visa (Subclass 187).

What are the benefits of these new visas?

  • There will be an increase in priority processing of regional applications
  • Incentives for migrants to stay in regional areas longer term as they build ties through workforce and community participation
  • Can apply for permanent residence without a second nomination stage, if eligible, through the subclass 191 visa (commences 16 November 2022)
  • Lower cost to employers with only one SAF levy stage for the subclass 494 nomination
  • More points available to subclass 491 visa applicants
  • Broader range of occupations available than non-regional pathways
  • “Regional Australia” expanded and simplified to include all areas of Australia except the metropolitan areas of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Perth

What happens to current 489 Visa holders?

Current 489 Visa holders, and those who had a lodged a 489 Visa prior to 16 November 2019, will continue to have a permanent residency pathway through the subclass 887 visa.

Adelaide, South Australia
Adelaide, South Australia.

Greater access to skilled workers from regional Australia.

There is a steady flow of labour agreement, nomination and visa applications coming through from Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMA) regions.

There are 7 DAMAs in effect supporting regional outcomes:

How do I migrate to Australia and where do I start?

Migrate 2 Oz has over 15 years of experience within the Australian Migration industry and we have a team of Australian Registered Migration Agents ready on-hand to provide you with the best advice.

Migrating to Australia can be a stressful move – but it doesn’t have to be. Watch our short video which follows the story of Dave as he navigates the Australian migration process, including visa applications, working in Australia, using a registered migration agent and making the big move.

Free Online Visa Assessment

Are you ready to take the next step?

Complete our free online skilled visa assessment and we will provide free advice on your visa eligibility, visa options, and the next key steps.